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Opt-Arrow Navigation in iTerm2

Something that most people use frequently but take for granted for sure is the use of Option + Arrow keys to navgiate between words in Mac OS X. Its just something you use and not think about much and it becomes second nature almost. So when I moved to iTerm, I’m sure a couple of you would have wanted to maintain the the same behaviour of that in iTerm2 instead of having to use the Escape + b/f sequence which is at best just a working but hard to execute sequence.


It turns out to just require a simple change of 2 preferences in iTerm2 for it to work like before!

  • Under Profiles -> Keys
  • Modify the option + arrows key
  • Set the action to “Send Escape Sequence”
  • Set the Esc+ field to:
[1;5C (Option-Right)
[1;5D (Option-Left)
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