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EmberJS - Saving Associated Models (controller)

So after a few months of inactivity from Emberjs, I’ve decided to come back to abit of development fun! First things first, I had to upgrade a couple of things (once again). I went on to upgrade ember to 1.3.0 and ember-data to one of their 1.0.0 nightly builds. It didn’t require that many changes like before (thank god for that).

One particular piece of existing code that broke, was this:

task.save().then(function() {
   task._data.subtasks.invoke('save').then(function() {
      // console.log('Associations saved')
}, function() {

Its basically just calling save on the model, then after which continue to save its children. What .save() returns is a promise which basically allows you to concatenate the then function to perform further operations on it, a bit like a callback. But this piece of code throws an error because .invoke('save') does not return a promise as you might expect it to since the .save() still does!

There really needs to be better documentation for ember-data if they want people to start using it more :/

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