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How to set up Elasticsearch Cluster in Amazon ECS

At Pocketmath, we heavily utilize the EC2 container service (ECS) to host a significant portion of our applications. It provides us with an easily scalable, zero-downtime infrastructure. Recently, I upgraded the Elasticsearch to 2.3.5 for our clusters, so I thought it was a good idea just to jot down some of the things I had to do or was already there for it to function properly.


If you’ll like to skip to the end and just take a look at the Docker-compose, task definitions and config files, feel free to skip right to the github repository that I’ve prepared to contain all this!


First, I had to change the destination as well as the syntax for the plugin installs.

FROM elasticsearch:2.3

WORKDIR /usr/share/elasticsearch

RUN bin/plugin install cloud-aws
RUN bin/plugin install mobz/elasticsearch-head
RUN bin/plugin install analysis-phonetic

COPY elasticsearch.yml config/elasticsearch.yml
COPY logging.yml config/logging.yml
COPY elasticsearch-entrypoint.sh /docker-entrypoint.sh

Docker & Elasticsearch Setup

Do take note that the network.host is required for Zen Discovery to work in ECS.

It’s a simple dockerized container setup with mounted volumes in a separate data container and exposed ports for elasticsearch communication.

docker-compose.yml sample:

    build: ./docker-data/
      - /usr/share/elasticsearch/data

    build: ./docker-elasticsearch/
      - data
      - "9200:9200"
      - "9300:9300"


script.inline: true
bootstrap.mlockall: true

plugin.mandatory: cloud-aws
network.publish_host: _ec2:privateIp_
discovery.type: ec2
discovery.ec2.groups: xx-xxxxx
discovery.zen.ping.multicast.enabled: false

The first two lines are fairly standard, so I’ll skip them; you can find these around in the official docs. It’s the last few lines that I had to meddle around with a bit for it to work.


So, the default node discovery module for Elasticsearch is Zen Discovery, and it supports both multicast and unicast. Although, since EC2 doesn’t support multicast, I disabled multicast and used only unicast. There are some notable things that were in that docs, though: the ping (discovery) and the master election.

During the ping phase, each node uses the discovery mechanism to find other nodes in the cluster. That process, however, won’t work out-of-the-box for cloud environments like Elastic Cloud or AWS EC2. There is a plugin that fixes this- cloud-aws. So I installed it via the Dockerfile above, for each container that runs inside the cluster. One issue is that the plugin was built for EC2 where each instance naturally publishes their own instance’s IP for the discovery process. Inside ECS, that discovery mechanism will fail since it just publishes its container’s IP address.

Running it in ECS

Back in Elasticsearch V1, I think the code below was the de-facto solution as an entry point for Docker. It pings Amazon’s instance information endpoint for the private IP. You could then start the service with its container’s IP as the published address; this address allows for other nodes to connect to it. A reasonably updated github repo still uses this method. And it still works. But there is a cleaner way now.


set -e

# Add elasticsearch as command if needed
if [ "${1:0:1}" = '-' ]; then
    set -- elasticsearch "$@"

# Drop root privileges if we are running elasticsearch
if [ "$1" = 'elasticsearch' ]; then
    # Change the ownership of /usr/share/elasticsearch/data to elasticsearch
    chown -R elasticsearch:elasticsearch /usr/share/elasticsearch/data
    exec gosu elasticsearch "$@"

# ECS will report the docker interface without help, so we override that with host's private IP
set -- "$@" --network.publish_host=$AWS_PRIVATE_IP

# As argument is not related to elasticsearch,
# then assume that user wants to run his process.
# For example, a `bash` shell to explore this image
exec "$@"

Now, just open up port 9200/9300 for communication within the security groups, and that’s it!

Cleaner, you say?

In later versions, (along with t cloud-aws plugin versions), you can now _ec2:privateIp_ in the elasticsearch.yml file.

plugin.mandatory: cloud-aws
network.publish_host: _ec2:privateIp_
discovery.type: ec2
discovery.ec2.groups: xx-xxxxx
discovery.zen.ping.multicast.enabled: false

Master Election, and why it is important

Next, we go on to the master election part of the cluster.

Like all distributed systems, the master/leader election is an important process that allows a cluster to choose its brain, for the purpose of handling allocations, state maintenance, index creations, etc. It is vital to the health of the cluster. Elastic.co has a comprehensive blog post, and you can read a quick intro there.

In this context, I could set a minimum number of master nodes.

The discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes sets the minimum number of master eligible nodes that need to join a newly elected master for an election to complete and for the elected node to accept its mastership.

We need to set the minimum number to a quorum (a majority wins situation) otherwise, the cluster is inoperable. You can read more about the split-brain scenario here. For automatic election, having only 2 master-eligible nodes should be avoided, since a quorum of 2 is 2 and a loss of either master-eligible nodes will result in the split-brain state.

If you dynamically scale your clusters, the below command would help with dynamically changing that number as you grow your cluster.

PUT /_cluster/settings
    "persistent" : {
        "discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes" : 2

Container memory limit and Heap Size

Next, this is something that gets tricky if you deploy to ECS and use the default settings.

In my case, my task definitions were set to 1 GB, and the Elasticsearch service was running with a default of 1gb heap size. After deploying to ECS, I noticed my docker container was just repeatedly getting stopped and restarted by the ECS agent.

There were no errors; and elasticsearch logs just announced that it was shutting itself down, gracefully.

At that point, I tweaked the memory hard limits via the task definitions in ECS and the restarts stopped. The heap size that the Elasticsearch service was using was hitting beyond the hard memory limit of the container; so the containers was repeatedly asked to restart.

So if you’re deploying these docker containers to ECS, its good practice to set a hard memory limit to the ECS task definition!

On top of that, you should also run the containers with the environment variable ES_HEAP_SIZE=2g. The value there should be roughly half the size of the hard memory limit in ECS to prevent the above scenario from happening.


That’s it! I hope this post has helped you get your cluster setup in the ECS.

Feel free to checkout this github repository that I’ve put together the code I’ve talked about!

Do check back in a week or two!